The University of Waikato, New Zealand Ultimate and University and Tertiary Sport New Zealand welcome team registrations for the 2021 National Tertiary Ultimate Championship.
Event Date
28th - 29th August 2021
University of Waikato Fields, University of Waikato, Hamilton
Approximate start time: Saturday the 28th August, 9.00am
Approximate finish Time: Sunday the 29th September, 4.00pm
Note: Schedule times may be subject to change depending upon final number of team entries received.
Team & Player Fees
$700 team fee plus a $10 UTSNZ levy per player. All fees will be invoiced by the University of Waikato once the player registration period has closed.
Proposed Format
- Standard Ultimate rules (World Flying Disc Federation 2021) are used for this event and can be found here:
- The format is Mixed gender with either 4 male-matchup players and 3 female-matchup players or 3 male-matchup players and 4 female-matchup players on the field at once.
- The WFDF ‘Prescribed’ ratio rule will be used which dictates that the gender balance alternates every two points (i.e. ABBA ABBA ABBA). The team that wins the disc flip before the game shall determine which gender split begins the game.
- Draw format will depend on the final number of teams but likely involve Round Robin pool play followed by playoffs and a final.
- Approximate times of play will be 9.00am to 5.00pm Saturday, 8.30am to 4.00pm Sunday.
- Medals: To be awarded to teams placing first, second and third as well as the Spirit of the Game Award winners.
Team Entry and Registration
- Team entries for the 2021 National Tertiary Ultimate Championship must be completed online through
the event website on Ultimate Central: - Team Registrations will close on Friday 23rd July 2021.
- Player Registrations will close at 5pm on Friday 13 August and must also be completed through the
Ultimate Central platform. At this time, the team lists will be downloaded and sent to Tiwai Wilson at
UTSNZ for eligibility confirmations from university sport departments. - University of Waikato to invoice teams once player registrations close. Payment is due by the start of the tournament.
- Tertiary institutions may continue to replace a currently registered player with a new player up to 3
days prior to the event at no cost and provided any change adheres to UTSNZ eligibility criteria and New
Zealand Ultimate requirements.
Tournament Contact Details
Name | Organisation | Phone | |
Sam Mills | University of Waikato | [email protected] | 021 023 18707 |
Iain Stewart | New Zealand Ultimate | [email protected] | 021 0244 2087 |
Tiwai Wilson | UTSNZ Representative | [email protected] | 027 623 0824 |