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NSW Mixed Ultimate Championships

Around September 2025 NOT YET ANNOUNCED

About last years edition

This event is the qualifier to both Australian Mixed Ultimate Championships Division I and Division II is hosted by Alex PV, James Maguire, Jayden Ferguson, Mandy Li and Wollongong Ultimate.  It will be held at Thomas Dalton Park in Wollongong.

Division I Australian Mixed Nationals will be held in Raymond Terrace (TBC), NSW 29th-31st October 2020
Division II Australian Mixed Nationals will be held in Nelson Bay (TBC), NSW on 22-24th October.

Please ensure your team meets entry requirement:

Teams not attempting to qualify through NSW are also welcome to attend and no need to meet the above requirements.

NSWMUC 2021 will be played using the prescribed ratio rule (Ratio Rule A) to determine gender choice and all players must have completed the WFDF Standard or Advanced 2021-2024 rules accreditation.



Team fee - $500 per team deposit fee due (TBA)

Note: NSWU has decided that team fees will be fully refunded if we are forced to cancel the event due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Player fee - TBA (~$80 per player)

Late fee schedule:
Late team registration - approval needed by board = 50% late registration fee (ie. $250) applies to all received after deadline
Late player registration - approval needed by board = $50 late registration fee applies to all received after deadline

Withdraw fee schedule:
Team withdrawal - up until 2 weeks out from event - 100% refund
Team withdrawal - less than 2 weeks out from the event - 0% refund

Player withdrawal:
Up until 7 days out from the event - 100% of the individual fee
Less than 7 days up to 48 hours out from the event - 50% of the individual fee
Less than 48 hours’ notice - 0%
Provide reason
No claims can be made after the event has been run.

**Please make own arrangement for lunch items.
Only team snack pack will be provided**

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, we are implementing the following, subjected to changes to government recommendations:

Participants must not play in a game, if in the past 14 days they have:

  • Been unwell or had any flu-like symptoms, or
  • Been in contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19, or
  • Any sudden loss of smell or loss of taste, or
  • If they have visited Victoria in the 14 days prior
  • If they have attended any of the reported case locations listed on the NSW Health website

Things to be avoided:

  • Team huddles, handshakes, hugs and high fives
  • Spitting
  • Spirit circles with hugging
  • Social activity once games have concluded should be limited to essential gatherings and within government guidelines

Player's waiver (signed during registration):
In the interest of everyone staying healthy and safe you acknowledge that you will:
Not attend if you are feeling even the slightest bit unwell
Not attend if you have been in contact with a known case within 14 days prior to the event and have not been tested
Not attend if you are awaiting test results
Minimise co-mingling from different games and time slots where possible
Ensure when as a spectator you comply with 1.5 metres physical distancing
Ensure that your name is correct on the registration page
Adopt good hand hygiene practices
Clean the game disc before each game
If you do test positive to COVID 19 after the event you must inform our COVID-19 officer - [email protected]

Thank you

If you have any questions in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact us.

Monica (NSWU Events Officer):  

Address: , Fairy Meadow, Australia
Number of Teams:
Organised by: NSW Ultimate

Fans (0 played, 0 wishlisted)

Maintained by:
  • Hat Fox





Date announced

Field Type

Field Type


Age Group

Team size


