Cost: $35. Payment should be made to the Waikato Ultimate bank account 38-9016-0890256-00 by 31st May 2021. (Reference: QBH + your name )
The event is targeted at developing players. It provides an opportunity for newer players to experience first-hand the fun of social hat events. It is ultimately about having fun and enjoying something new, or old if you've been around.
To that end we introduce some fun rules to spice up the enjoyment.
Crown Point: Score a point whilst wearing the Queen's crown and this will nett your team 2 points.
Like to throw those trick shots? Then Ultimate Bingo is for you. Complete your bingo card by throwing scoring trick shots, and you may just take home the Crown for this year's Bingo champ.
If you just like food, then come along and socialise during the lunch break, a free BBQ lunch will be provided for all.
This is an all ages, all skill levels event. Any under 13s must bring an accompanying adult (venue rules).
For $20, pick up your very own Waikato Ultimate frisbee.
All players will remain "Pending" until payment is received. So get in early as there is a player cap.