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UHLe: Ultimate Hat League

9 June 2021 - 4 August 2021

About this edition

This is a co-ed, adult 16+* beginners Ultimate league open to all skill levels.

WHY CHOOSE UHLe? UHLe is a great way to learn ultimate and/or improve your skills, and meet new people. Founded in 2008, UHLe is focused on adult players* learning the aspects of ultimate frisbee, spirit of the game, how to play- and for this league especially, how to have a great time playing ultimate.  NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED -- just bring your enthusiasm, humor, wit, and interest in chasing plastic. We also welcome experienced players who are looking to hone in on the basics and help teach! You can also choose to "baggage" with two other players, these groups will be subject to approval. 

WHEN and WHERE: Wednesday nights in and around world famous Edgely Ultimate Field & clubhouse located in Philadelphia's Fairmount Park . 6:15-Dark

Important Dates: 
Registration Opens: 4/30 at 6:30 pm
Early Bird Registration: 5/15
Registration Closes: 5/29
Opening Week/First Game: 6/9 
Last Regular Season Game: 7/28
Finals: 8/7, Raindate: TBD.  

PRICE: $65/person which includes a pinnnie, disc, ~10 games! 

Important Policies:
Pet Policy
Bike Policy
Spirit Reporting

If there is a financial barrier preventing you from joining the league, please visit out Financial Assistance page.

  • $10 Early Bird discount available to all women-matching players who register before 5/15!  
  • Special discounts available for NEW women-matching players (first PADA league).

WHAT IS ULTIMATE AND WHY PLAY IT?   Combining the non-stop movement of soccer with the aerial passing skills of football, Ultimate is a non-contact game played by two seven-player squads with a disc (aka Frisbee) on a field similar to football. The object of the game is to score by catching a pass in the opponent’s end zone. Ultimate is governed by Spirit of the Game™, a tradition of sportsmanship that places the responsibility for fair play on the players rather than referees. Lots more info can be found here.

WHO IS Uhle? Jeff Uhlenberg, aka Uhle, has been playing in PADA leagues for many years. Along with his wife, April, he is known far and wide for his spirit, generosity, love of the game and a red wagon full of edible delights.

"SAY NO MORE, I WANT TO REGISTER NOW!"   Click on REGISTER button.  If this is your first time registering, note that you will need to complete a standard PADA "Player Profile" before getting to the UHLe registration. Players 16 and 17 years old will need to have a guardian who is 25+ sign off that they will be present at every game.

I AM AN EXPERIENCED PLAYER AND I WANT TO CAPTAIN. Captains are the most important volunteers in UHLe, as they play an essential role in making sure the league stays focused on teaching ultimate while also being fun and supportive leaders.  A UHLe captain attends all or most games; feels comfortable teaching, encouraging, and delegating; and is a great communicator with his/her team as well as the coordinators. Just keep in mind: this league emphasizes teaching the game to new and intermediate players.

  • All captains will receive a $20 discount off a future PADA league. If selected to captain, you will receive this code through e-mail. Captains also get gifts at end of the season.
  • Preference will be given to captain pairs (One Male-Matching and One Female-Matching) - if you have a co-captain in advance this makes staffing the league that much easier
  • If you're interested in captaining, please select that option during registration and email  with any questions.
  • Captains are selected from available, interested pairs and notified by the coordinators.
  • Captains' meeting will take place virtually.

*In compliance with new federal child protection laws, PADA will be requiring all minors playing in adults leagues (16-17 yr olds) to be accompanied by an approved adult. We will be reaching out to all youth registrations with further information for summer leagues.

Safety precautions: Due to the current pandemic, the following safety rules will be implemented

  • *** EDITED (5/27/21):

    Safety precautions: Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the following safety rules will be implemented

    • Players who are fully vaccinated may play without masks. Players who wish to play without a mask must self-report their vaccination status via the Vaccination Status Survey
    • Players who have not completed the vaccination status survey thus not certifying that they are fully vaccinated must wear masks at all times (if masks need to be removed for water breaks, catching your breath, etc., please ensure you maintain a distance of 6ft from others). 
    • If your vaccination status has changed and you’d like to update your survey response please fill out the vaccination status survey and notify your league coordinators.
    • Captains will be provided with their team roster, which will include player vaccination status. For those players who are partially vaccinated, their fully vaccinated date will also be included. 
    • Players who have not filled out the vaccination status form or who have indicated that they are partially/unvaccinated and refuse to follow mask guidelines will be removed from the league. 
    • To report a player for not following mask guidelines, please fill out the Mask Guideline Incident Form.
    • All teams are allowed to call ‘Equipment Time-Outs’ to allow masked players to replace/adjust their mask should it come off during play. ‘Equipment Time-Outs’ will follow the same structure as a ‘Pick Call’.
    • All teams will be allotted “Mask Time-Outs” for players to remove their masks and catch their breath during play. Each team will have 2 mask time-outs per half. Please note, social distancing guidelines should be followed whenever a mask is removed. 
    • Do not share food or water with other players. Pack more water than you anticipate needing.

PADA reserves the right to adjust these safety precautions at any time. Changes, updates, or other concerns regarding player safety will be communicated in a timely fashion. Outside of the above-specified precautions, PADA will follow current CDC safety recommendations.   

A  huge thank you to  CON.STRUCT and Society of Threads for keeping our players safe with a generous mask donation. All players will receive Society of threads masks with their registration. 


PADA values diversity, equity and inclusion, and we expect all players to uphold those values in their words and actions. For additional information, please read and reference the PADA DEI Language Glossary. 

We can't wait to see you on the fields! We welcome any questions, etc., at [email protected]

xoxo, your 2021 UHLe coordinators

Britt & Joe

#UHLeGonnaLoveIt #BreedUltimate


Address: 4001 Edgely Rd, Philadelphia, United States
Number of Teams:
Organised by:

Fans (0 played, 0 wishlisted)

Maintained by:
  • Frisbee Panther





Date announced

Field Type

Field Type


Age Group

Team size


